How to quickly learn English?

Perhaps you have already tried to learn once, perhaps you already have a few unsuccessful attempts behind you. Perhaps you were discouraged by the teacher, perhaps you didn't have the opportunity, or maybe you just didn't feel like it. If so, then you have no choice but to leave it all behind you. Now: look to the future. You can learn English. It is enough if you say one, only one magic word: "I want". Believe you can. Don't be put off. If you've been told before: "English is difficult", "you can't make it", "you are too weak", "you have no ability" ... Forget it. Everyone can learn a foreign language! I guarantee you that it is. It is enough to learn a few important elements of the learning process.

Check here: Anglu kalba pradedantiesiems

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Strong motivation is something that will help you learn the language

If you are an adult who does not need to study and go to school, you should consider why you want to learn a language. Setting a goal is the first important step in creating motivation. Having a clearly defined goal will help you persevere in your determination to master a foreign language. Why do you want to learn English? Which language skills - speaking, listening, writing, reading - are most important to you?
If you want to go abroad, especially for tourism, the emphasis should be on communicative language: understanding what others say and skilful communication. The language used in everyday situations is recommended: at the airport, in a hotel, while shopping or visiting the city. Generally speaking, your stock of words and phrases will be more important than learning advanced grammar structures.
If the English language is to be used for professional purposes, it is worth focusing on precision in the field of your specialization, learning the vocabulary and phrases that are often used in your work. For example, if you work as a waiter, it is helpful to learn about the words and phrases used in a restaurant by foreign customers. The basics of grammar are usually enough.
If you work in an office and your duties include writing e-mails in English, in addition to industry words and phrases, it is also worth learning about the rules of business correspondence, spelling and grammar rules. The boss is unlikely to be happy to discover that your work e-mail contains grammar errors.
If you would like to pass an English exam, proving that you know the language at a high level, you will not avoid the need to train every language skill: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, speaking, knowledge of grammar rules and the ability to write letters or essays.

Group courses

Full of enthusiasm and resolutions, we reach for the telephone receiver. It is usually the first idea to learn a language. The choice is usually made on a group course at a school close to our place of residence or work. The case does not turn out to be so simple. First, matching days and times is more difficult than anticipated; secondly, the question always arises: what will happen in the event of a business trip or illness of the child? Unfortunately, the lessons are lost. The price of the course can also surprise us sometimes. But beware, the cheapest courses may turn out to be a total failure due to the teacher's incompetence. However, there is no rule. You can find a perfectly good teacher. Before making a decision and signing the contract, however, I recommend a trial lesson or a conversation with the teacher - it is he, and not the smiling secretary, who plays the main role. Another element of learning at a language school is determining our level of language. If we start learning from scratch, the matter is easier. Worse, if we once studied and then stopped learning. A break always adversely affects education and causes memory gaps. Matching to the right level of the group is again not too easy. In the end, if we are lucky, we reach the right level and the right group, but… it may turn out that our friends are 12 years old. Assuming that we have overcome the first difficulties, we start learning. The first classes are waiting for us ... Returning to the school bench may be a bit stressful. The first doubts appear ... I do well in my professional work, but what will happen when the teacher asks about something that I will not know and the other learners know it with flying colors? These and other dilemmas affect many future, ambitious group course participants. Assuming that our first class went relatively well, we are bursting with pride and satisfaction. The whole family admires our intelligence and determination. Another lesson is coming. Time flies quickly, after the first fascination, weariness or exhaustion come. Haven't had time to learn vocabulary, homework? Was something asked? When was I supposed to do it after working all day? He can take the notebook to the office and in his free time .. No, there is no chance in the office. Oh, Tuesday, business trip - I'm skipping class, force majeure. After my return, I catch a cold. It's just a few overdue lessons, nothing happened, I'll catch up on the weekend. Bravely, I return contrite to the classroom. How much have you been through? No, I don't understand anything about this exercise ... Disheartened, I decide that I have to give myself a few days to fill in the gaps. Yes, for sure, I'll catch up on a few lessons over the weekend. Guests arrive at the weekend. In this way, the average student gets discouraged and possibly drops out of the course at some point. Maybe next year I will have more time?